Update Election Information

Submit Authorized Voter Information

According to our CC&Rs, each lot gets one (1) vote. This form should only be filled out once per lot number. The deadline to submit this information is April 7, 2024 by 11:59PM.

Example 1: John and Jane Smith own lot 190. They get only one (1) vote. John and Jane both have their own email addresses. They should decide together which person is the authorized voter and should receive the electronic ballot and enter only that person’s name and email address in the form below.

Example 2: Joe and Betty Johnson own lots 200 and 201.  They get one vote for each lot they own. Joe and Betty may fill out the form below twice using each lot number as a separate submission. They can either use the same email address each time they fill it out or use different email addresses for each lot number.

Please complete all fields below.